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Clear Mobile

Deadpan. Dead Simple. Dead Honest. Good enough and that’s enough. Just what you need. Nothing you don’t. Mobile made simple. For everyone.

Clear Mobile is mobile in its purest form. Designed to give you everything you need and nothing you don't. A brand that’s stripped back to the bare essentials. Sim. Texts. Minutes. Data. No bells. No whistles. No extras you won’t want later. If it can come off: it does. Setting the brand miles apart from the others, a true embodiment of a ‘value’ brand. And to make it absolutely clear, we called it Clear Mobile.


  • Tech & Digital Services


  • Brand Strategy

  • Naming

  • Brand Identity

  • Communications

Clear Mobile is a no-frills, simple offer; built from a customer insight that today's consumers refuse to pay for things they don't need or ask for. Smart, savvy shoppers from all walks of life, united in an attitude that's looking for the best deal at the best possible price.

The brand, and the name, Clear Mobile, is unapologetically honest. It talks to customers, not at them, in their language, and to the point. Undressing the layers of complexity and making the offer clearly simple, a clear voice that doesn't add to the noise.

To launch the brand, we created a campaign, "No frills", to cut through the noise and attract innovators, savvy bargain hunters and people who were just curious about the brand.